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Dopo essere intervenuto alla cerimonia di apertura e alla tavola rotonda “Action and Solidarity – The Critical Decade”, il Presidente ha tenuto una conferenza stampa con il Ministro della Transizione Ecologica, Roberto Cingolani

1 Novembre 2021

Di seguito il programma della giornata (ora locale)

  • Ore 10.50 Arrivo allo Scottish Event Campus (SEC) dove viene accolto dal Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, Boris Johnson.
  • Ore 12.00 Cerimonia di apertura, Sala Plenary Cairn Gorm. (L’intera cerimonia sarà trasmessa in streaming sul sito dell’Evento)
  • Ore 12.50 – Intervento del Presidente Draghi.
  • Ore 14.30 – Tavola rotonda ‘Action and Solidarity – the Critical Decade’. Co-presiedono: il Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, Boris Johnson e il Presidente del Consiglio Draghi.
  • Ore 17.15 – Conferenza stampa del Presidente Draghi (Giant’s Causeway Press Conference Room).

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Mario Draghi, è stato a Glasgow per partecipare a “COP26 World Leaders Summit”

Dopo essere intervenuto alla cerimonia di apertura e alla tavola rotonda “Action and Solidarity – The Critical Decade”, il Presidente ha tenuto una conferenza stampa con il Ministro della Transizione Ecologica, Roberto Cingolani.

Cop26, l’intervento del Presidente Draghi alla cerimonia di apertura del World Leaders Summit

Lunedì, 1 Novembre 2021

Prime Minister Johnson, 
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The speeches we have just heard resonate deeply with me. 
Over the last few years, young people have done us a service by bringing the climate agenda to the front of our political debate.
Young people were at the centre of the Pre-COP Summit in Milan.
In Glasgow, here, we need to make them proud. 

The projected rise in global temperatures is set to affect dramatically life on our planet.
From the catastrophic fires and floods we’ve seen now, to the bleaching of coral reefs, to the loss of biodiversity, the impact of climate change is already all too evident.
Its price is also rising fast – especially for poorer nations.
The cost of disruptions for households and companies in low- and middle-income countries amounts to a staggering 390 billion dollars a year.

Climate change also has serious repercussions on global peace and security. 
It can deplete natural resources and worsen social tensions;
lead to new migration flows and contribute to terrorism and organized crime.
Climate change can tear us apart. 

Thanks to constant dialogue and cooperation, we have made good progress on addressing climate change.
The G20 accounts for around 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and around 80% of global GDP. 
At last weekend’s Summit in Rome, its member states agreed that we must limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees, this was the first time, and committed to achieve net zero emissions by or around mid-century.
We decided to step up our actions starting from this decade, enhance our Nationally Determined Contributions and stop the international public funding of unabated new coal by the end of this year. 

Here at COP26 we must now go further than we did at the G20.
We need to speed up our commitment to keep the rise in temperature below 1.5 degrees.
We need to build on the G20 agreement and act faster and more decisively.

We must strengthen our efforts in the realm of climate finance.
We must bring together the public and the private sector in new ways.
We have the roadmap put forward by Prince Charles. Prime Minister Johnson highlighted the amount of private money available; it’s tens of trillions. But, now, we’ve got to use those resources. Now, we have to find an intelligent way to spend them and spend them quickly. We need, first and foremost, all multilateral development banks, and especially the World Bank, to co-share with the private sector the risks that the private sector alone cannot bear. We need country-based platforms where the World Bank and other multilateral development banks can actually co-share and make all this money useable for a good cause.  This is the, first in a sense, great news that Prime Minister Johnson gave us today; that money is not a concern if we want to use it well. 
This COP26 must be the start of a new momentum, a quantum leap in our fight against climate change. 

And our youth must be at the centre of this process.
We intend to turn the ‘Youth 4 Climate’ event we held in Milan into a regular feature of all COPs.
Future generations will judge us for what we achieve – or fail to achieve.
We must involve them, listen to them and – above all – learn from them.

Thank you

COP26, intervento di Draghi alla tavola rotonda “Action and Solidarity – the Critical Decade”

Lunedì, 1 Novembre 2021

Thank you Boris, 
Dear colleagues, 

Scientists have warned us once again about what is at stake.
We must commit to ambitious reductions of our emissions, starting from this decade, to prevent the impact of climate change from becoming catastrophic.
This pledge was at the heart of the Declaration of G20 Leaders in Rome.
G20 countries must now uphold it and implement it. 

As we plan our next steps, we must set ourselves concrete goals. 
This path requires creativity, ambition and sound economic planning.  
I am proud of the efforts made by Italy and by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU programme. 
Member states have decided to turn the pandemic into an opportunity.
We have embarked on an ambitious set of reforms and investment.
We intend to speed up the environmental transition in our economies, and make growth more equitable and sustainable.

Technological change must be at the heart of this transition, to make possible tomorrow what looks impossible today.
We need a truly global effort, matching the success in developing vaccines against Covid-19.
We must speed up innovation in the field of renewable energy. 
In particular, we must accelerate the development of new batteries, and seek to go beyond the existing lithium technologies.

In the long run, we must be aware, however, that renewable energies may have limits. 
The European Commission tells us they may not be enough to reach the ambitious targets we have set ourselves for 2030 and 2050.
So, we have to start developing alternatives across the board now, because they will come to full fruition only in some years.
Meanwhile, we need to invest in innovative technology for carbon capture.
Today, we understood one thing: whether it’s new technologies or infrastructure programmes for adaptation, money may not be a constraint any longer if we bring in the private sector. 
As I hinted this morning, I would really like to instruct all the multilateral development banks and the World Bank to get serious about co-sharing risks with the private sector. I suggest that a task force be set up here, at this COP26, to lay out a blueprint in this regard.
Before I leave the floor to Miss Nisreen Elsaim, I want to repeat that it is crucial that we listen to the voice of our youth.
At the Pre-COP Summit in Milan, young activists drafted proposals and picked priorities on crucial issues such as how to foster a sustainable recovery. 
And Nisreen has been one of the most active young representatives. 
We’ve heard your voice, Nisreen, loud and clear. 
Now, we must move forward, together, starting with a successful COP26 here in Glasgow. 

Thank you.

COP26, bilaterale Draghi – Bennett

1 Novembre 2021

Il Presidente del Consiglio ha avuto questo pomeriggio un colloquio bilaterale con il Primo Ministro di Israele, Naftali Bennett, in occasione dei lavori della COP26 di Glasgow. 
Nel corso della conversazione si è discusso del tema della lotta al cambiamento climatico – con particolare riferimento al ruolo del settore privato nello sviluppo di tecnologie e nel finanziamento di iniziative per l’adattamento – delle relazioni bilaterali e degli sviluppi del contesto regionale.

Dopo essere intervenuto alla cerimonia di apertura e alla tavola rotonda “Action and Solidarity – The Critical Decade”, il Presidente ha tenuto una conferenza stampa con il Ministro della Transizione Ecologica, Roberto Cingolani. 


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