BasilicataBlogEventi e Cultura


La transizione energetica non sarà né breve né facile ed implica il passaggio progressivo verso un sistema energetico “Carbon Neutral“

EXPO DUBAI 24 marzo 2022 

La transizione energetica non sarà né breve né facile ed implica il passaggio progressivo verso un sistema energetico “Carbon Neutral“

In questo contesto e fungendo da anello di giunzione tra ricerca ed impresa, si colloca il CLUSTER ENERGIA, nato appunto per dare attuazione alla SMART SPECIALIZATION STRATEGY della Regione Basilicata 

La Basilicata rappresenta un unicum dal punto di vista energetico, considerato che, anche grazie alla varietà geo-morfologica ed orografica del suo territorio, l’energia vi trova spazio e declinazione in tutte le sue forme.

La Basilicata ospita il più importante giacimento di greggio on-shore dell’Europa Occidentale, nel 2021 ha fornito il 73% della produzione nazionale di gas naturale, il 91% del greggio ed il 100% del GPL, contribuendo così più di ogni altra regione italiana alla produzione nazionale di  idrocarburi estratti on shore.

La Basilicata è, però, anche la seconda regione d’Italia per copertura di consumi finali da FER. Ha raggiunto già prima del 2017 gli obiettivi sulla produzione energetica stabiliti dal decreto Burden Sharing per il 2020 e conquistando il livello di autosufficienza elettrica con una produzione di circa 3.2 TWh a fronte di una domanda di 3.1 TWh

Non è un caso quindi che l’energia sia una delle aree individuate dalla Strategia Regionale per l’Innovazione e la specializzazione intelligente e che dunque bisogna puntare su ricerca ed innovazione tecnologica insieme ovviamente ad investimenti e progettualità finalizzate a promuovere la stretta collaborazione fra gli enti di ricerca e grandi player.

Gli importanti centri di ricerca presenti sul territorio, e parte integranti del Cluster Energia, quali l’Università di Basilicata, l’ENEA, il CNR e ALSIA, non ultima la Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, insieme ai grandi player, quali Eni, Total e Stellantis e ad altre imprese, operanti a diverso titolo nella filiera energetica, costituiscono l’humus per la cooperazione fra soggetti pubblici sul tema energetico.

Questa potrebbe essere la strategia vincente per lo sviluppo socio-economico in chiave sostenibile della Basilicata al fine di arginare la deriva dello spopolamento, amara ed annosa criticità della nostra regione, unitamente ad una nuova classe imprenditoriale pronta a nascere grazie alle ricadute economiche ed occupazionali derivanti dalla ricerca e dall’innovazione, necessarie sia allo sviluppo di tecnologie nuove che consentano lo sfruttamento sempre più efficiente e costante delle FER, sia per lo sfruttamento di nuovi vettori energetici, come l’idrogeno.

Ciò anche in considerazione della rinnovata centralità del tema energetico: sia alla luce delle direttrici comunitari settoriali (Green Deal; Fit For 55 etc.) nonché delle indicazioni e delle opportunità riconducibili ai quadri programmatici quali il PNRR e del ciclo di programma zione 2021-2027.

Una centralità ancor più accentuata a seguito degli ultimi eventi geopolitici del paese e del globo intero che impongono serie considerazioni su metodi e tempistiche inerenti i driver della decarbonizzazione e della transizione energetica.

In questa logica e con tali prerogative che il Cluster Energia partecipa all’Expo di Dubai 2022 proprio per raccontare il percorso delle proprie imprese rispetto alle “energie del domani”, per lo sviluppo delle quali l’elemento ACQUA riveste un ruolo prezioso e strategico.

Le 5 aziende e progettualità che il Cluster presenta in occasione dell’Expo di Dubai toccano fondamentalmente 3 temi principali:





Nella nostra Regione e nel nostro Cluster vi sono idee e capacità progettuali di significativo interesse che meritano di essere non soltanto raccontate, ma supportate e condivise con il resto del mondo.

Expo Dubai 24 March 2021 – Amphitheatre 11-14 / 15-18. the indicated time is Dubai GMT + 4
The BBT Basilicata Blue Transition event organized by the Basilicata Region has as its central topic the problem of water declined together with the theme of the Italian pavilion, beauty, and that of the EXPO, connection. The theme of water is presented in all aspects of management, technology and culture that are essential to address the global challenges that have this vital asset as their central node. The beauty concerns Basilicata landscapes and sites whose aesthetic and spectacular qualities are due to the wise use of water in a thousand-year harmony with the different environments that characterize the region: mountains and valleys rich in waters and forests; arid plateaus; marine costals. The connection is the relationship created in the Basilicata Region between universities and scientific institutes, businesses and the territory in the organization of a cooperation and promotion network that operates through five thematic clusters. The event intends to extend this network of relations and exchanges at an international scientific and business level and in particular to the Arab and Mediterranean world. The event held inside the Italian pavilion of Expo Dubai on March 24, 2022 has the informative form of a meeting – round table.
The aim is to share a common platform and a partnership on new water projects aimed at naturalistic reconversion to ensure healthy, sufficient and safe water management for all and start a path to reach a concrete action-based declaration on water: the Blue Transition. The Declaration, starting from the international charters and based on the UN 2030 objectives, will contain an appeal and proposals for best practices to move from theoretical discourses to concrete actions to implement projects. It will constitute the Declaration of the Basilicata Region for the Blue Transition as a platform for a partnership promoted by the Basilicata Region of countries and economic operators for the promotion and implementation of projects.
The event brings together experts, international bodies, national and international regional scientific institutions, NGOs, NSAs and companies. Partners are physically present or streamed.
The event consists of: 1) Forum; 2) Forum; 3) Conclusions.

Forum 24 March 11-14. Amphitheatre
The Clusters of the Basilicata Region, with the support of Sviluppo Basilicata, and APT, meet scholars, companies and international operators to present and compare project issues relating to water management and 2030 objectives interspersed with videos, links and presentations of reality and Lucanian companies.
Opening of the works and welcome greeting
Paolo Glisenti
Commissioner General for Italy’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai
Coordinated by Pietro Laureano (IPOGEA scpl), Antonio Nicoletti (APT), Patrizia Orofino (Sviluppo Basilicata)
I From the culture of water to the culture for water

?11:00-11:30 Raffaele Vitulli, Cluster: Cultural and Creative Industry (4 speeches 4 presence)

Telling and monitoring water. Sustainable architecture.
Raffaele Vitulli Cluster Presentation (presence)
⦁ Antonella Guida (presence) and Graziella Bernardo – Materials, forms and sustainability of architecture (Remote)
⦁ Michele Cignarale – Telling water through data: WearData movement (presence) ⦁ Nicola Masini – Monitoring to enhance: towards the digital twin of cultural heritage (presence)
II The factory of business creativity

?11:35-12:05 Antonio Braia, Cluster: Automotive Intelligent Factory. (5 interventions 2 in presence)

Interaction, Sharing, Contamination: The transition as an opportunity for business based on human capital. Sustainable mobility through co-planning, shared skills and participation.
⦁ Antonio Braia (President), Institutional Presentation of the Cluster. (remote) Mario Zagaria (lead company) (presence) Mobas 4.0 project
Piero De Fazio (ENEA partner) – VIDEO
Umberto Brindisi (Lead company) – TECSPRO VIDEO PROJECT

CMD ENGINE SPA Sebastiano La Manna,
COING SOC. COOP. A R.L. Gianfranco Spalluto
STM SPA Anselmo Zirpoli⦁ COING SOC. COOP. A R.L. Gianfranco Spalluto
III From the water cycle the circular economy

?12:10-12:45 Domenico Lazazzera, Cluster: Bioeconomy (4 speeches 3 presences)
Water as a bio resource. Biomethane and fertilizers from waste water. Water saving in agriculture and rain collection
⦁ Domenico Lazazzera. Project for the recovery of waste water from the agro- industrial system for the production of biomethane, recovery of polyphenols, ozonation for decontamination with the production of disinfectants; (remote) ⦁ Francesca Scannone, FEEM Wastewater Management towards a Circular Bioeconomy (presence)
⦁ Francesco Cellini, ALSIA Precision agriculture for irrigation savings (presence) ⦁ Michele Lazazzera, Abandoned quarries: collection of rainwater for the landscape (presence)

?12:50-13:20 Luigi Marsico, Cluster: Energy (5 interventions 2 + 1 presences)
The energies of tomorrow. Let’s plan the future by retracing the origins! Renewable energy, storage, water management!
• Luigi Marsico (Remote) – President, Institutional Presentation of the ETS Basilicata Energy Cluster (Streaming or Film)
• Ida Leone (Presence) – Vice President, Basilicata and Energy
• Tiziana Perri (presence) – Member of the Technical Scientific Committee, The importance of research and cooperation
Projects and Contributions
• Francesco Iantorno (Presence) – Gianfranco Rizzo (Presence) INELETRIC s.r.l. – Warehouse Exergy – We – Energy Storage!
• Domenico Cirillo (Presence) C.M.D. DIESEL ENGINE CONSTRUCTIONS S.p.A. – Water- Waste / residual biomass used for green hydrogen production by innovative italian conversion systems.
• Francesco Di Luca (Remote – Video Contribution) ITALFLUID S.p.a. – Hydrogen Green Valley – Sustainable Growth in Basilicata. Water, Hydrogen, Green Energy

• Russelli Salvatore (Remote – Video Contribution) HYDROS s.r.l. – “Zero Liquid Discharge”
• Michele Lazazzera (Presence) SPRING BIOENERGY – Renewable Energy to BIOMEThane
IV Observe, monitor, connect

?13:25-13:55 Antonio Colangelo Cluster: Aerospace (6 interventions, 3 in presence)
Space technologies for agricultural monitoring. Communication and connection for democracy
• Antonio Colangelo presentation of the Cluster (remote)
• Angelo Donvito, Space technologies and precision agriculture (presence)
• V. Tramutoli, The university of Basilicata in the sector of aerospace
• Giovanni Nico, Remote sensing approaches to monitor water reservoirs
and water

• Vito Gaudiano, Training and communication as support for democracy,
the experience in Kenya (presence)
Conclusions Sabia Canio Alfieri, Director of the Production Activities Department of the Basilicata Region.
2. Forum 24 March 15-18, Amphitheatre
Projects and best practices: interventions on the most advanced international water projects
Coordination: Pietro Laureano
Presentation: Basilicata and water, history, culture and innovation from Pythagoras to projects for a sustainable future. Pietro Laureano (20 minutes)
The presentation reconstructs the ancient history and culture of the Basilicata Region in relation to water management. The route starts from the presence of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans in Metaponto and throughout Basilicata, with an emphasis on the innovative and exceptional achievements in land reclamation and distribution. Through the figure of Pythagoras, the multicultural dimension of techniques related to water and how these are the basis of civilization and knowledge is reconstructed.
quality (presenza)
Rosa Lasaponara, Water: technology and human dimension (remote)

Pythagoras is a pupil of Thales, the first to place water as a universal principle. His school is in direct contact with the countries and philosophies of the great empires of the period. Pythagoras conveys and develops the knowledge of the ancient Babylonian, Persian and Egyptian civilizations in Metaponto. The first major projects on water are presented, such as the Eupalino tunnel which has antecedents in the Emirates and Arab countries.
We follow the development of water as a factor of culture, landscapes, heritage and beauty through significant places in Basilicata, in particular Matera, a primordial settlement unscripted in UNESCO precisely to be built on the basis of the need for water management, and the Rabatane, Lucanian complexes dating back to the Arab- Muslim presence of the IX – XI century. It is the period of the Golden Age of Islam with its great scientists such as Al Hasan ibn Al-Hayatham (Alhazen) who influenced Italian masters such as Leonardo da Vinci. Their works and traditional knowledge are the premise for a holistic and naturalistic knowledge that is the foundation today for a new water culture, a response to the global challenges of drought, desertification and climatic extremes. Based on these roots and knowledge, Basilicata proceeds towards the Blue Transition through its scientific and business system organized in thematic clusters.
Opening Speech Francesco Bandarin former Director General of Culture UNESCO (remote)
Message of Elizabeth Nobrega de Araujo Tsakiroglou The International President of The Maria Nobrega Foundation and ITKI The International Traditional Knowledge Institute.
Projects and best practices: interventions on the most advanced water projects in Austria, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Tunisia, Kingdom Saudi Arabia, Morocco, USA.
Partnerships Director Special Initiatives and Partnerships Kingdom of Saudi Arabia RCU AlUla Kingdom Saudi Arabia

?15.40 – 15.50 Royal Commission for AlUla: vision, priorities, partnerships,

Silvia Barbone
Claudio Chitarro/

?15.55 – 16.05 The heritage of the pond landscape in Southern Bohemia and Lower Austria. The system performance of a technical monument on ecology, resilience and culture, Andreas Salvator Habsburg Lothringen, (remote) president of ITKI Austra, Christian Hanus, Donau-Universität Krems,

Austria (remote)

?16.10 – 16.20

Regeneration of a compromised landscape through the
restoration of river basins, Kathryn Moore, Director, West Midlands
National Park Lab, Great Britain (remote)

?16.25 – 16.35 Accelerate the sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries enhancing their world heritage Zineb Chakir
COPAM France (presence)

?16.40 – 16.50 TUNISTORIC, an unprecedented private initiative to rehabilitate and regenerate the historical Medina of Tunis Mehdi
Sethom, Head of urban regeneration project Medina of Tunis (presence)

?16.55 – 17.00 Mértola, Future Lab, a living lab for agroecological transition, adaptation to climate change and combating desertification. Rosinda Pimenta, Manuel Marques, Mertola Portugal Urban

development and heritage (remote)

?17 – 17.05 Mogador Island, a natural and historical heritage oasis, for a
sustanable management of this exeptional site, Mathieu Thévenet Morocco,

?17.10 – 17.20 Ouided Bouchamaoui, Nobel Peace Prize 2015, Tunisia (remote)

3) Conclusion:
?17.20 – 17.30 The Future?… is under your feet – The role of Traditional Knowledge as a Driver for Resilient and Sustainable Development” Giuseppe Biagini, International Traditional Knolowedge Institute, USA

?17.30 – 17.40 Hashim Suleiman Hussein. Head United Nations Industrial
Development Organization ITPO- Bahrain (remote)

?17,40 – 17,50 Giovanni Roncucci Chairman of Roncucci&Partners Srl / Gabriella Megale, Amministratore Sviluppo Basilicata “Economic, social and cultural enhancement of companies in Basilicata Region from an international perspective: Progetto Inchubatori a pilot project by

Sviluppo Basilicata” (presence)

?17:50 – 18:00 Vincenzo Acito (presence), Basilicata Region Councilor for Environment and Energy Step up the future: the impact of innovation for a sustainable and attractiveness Basilicata.

La Basilicata e l’acqua, storia cultura e innovazione da Pitagora ai progetti per un futuro sostenibile.

La presentazione ricostruisce l’antica storia e cultura della Regione Basilicata in relazione alla gestione dell’acqua.

Il percorso parte dalla presenza di Pitagora e i pitagorici a Metaponto e in tutta la Basilicata ponendo l’accento sulle innovative e eccezionali realizzazioni nella bonifica e ripartizione delle terre.

Attraverso la figura di Pitagora è ricostruita la dimensione multiculturale delle tecniche riferite all’acqua e di come queste siano alla base di civiltà e conoscenze.

Pitagora è allievo di Talete il primo a porre l’acqua a principio universale.
La sua scuola è in diretto contatto con i paesi e le filosofie dei grandi imperi del periodo. Pitagora veicola e sviluppa a Metaponto le conoscenze delle antiche civiltà Babilonesi, Persiana ed Egizia.

Sono presentati i primi grandi progetti sull’acqua come il tunnel di Eupalino che ha antecedenti proprio negli Emirati e nei paesi arabi.

Si segue lo sviluppo dell’acqua come fattore di cultura, paesaggi, patrimonio e bellezza attraverso luoghi significativi della Basilicata in particolare Matera, abitato primordiale iscritto all’UNESCO proprio per essere realizzato in base alla necessità della gestione idrica, e le Rabatane, complessi lucani risalenti alla presenza arabo-musulmana del IX – XI secolo.

È il periodo dell’Età d’oro dell’Islam con i suoi grandi scienziati come Al Hasan ibn Al-Hayatham (Alhazen) che hanno influenzato maestri italiani come Leonardo da Vinci.

Le loro opere e le conoscenze tradizionali sono la premessa per un sapere olistico e naturalistico fondamento oggi per una nuova cultura dell’acqua, risposta alle sfide globali della siccità, desertificazione e estremi climatici.
Su queste radici e conoscenze la Basilicata procede verso la Transizione Blu attraverso il suo sistema scientifico e di imprese organizzato nei Cluster tematici.


EXPO DUBAI 24 marzo 2022 

FORUM – Sessione pomeriggio

24 marzo dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 18:00 Anfiteatro
Coordina: Pietro Laureano, IPOGEA scpl

Projects and best practices: interventions on the most advanced water projects in Austria, France, England, Portugal, Tunisia, Arabia, Bahrein, Emirates.

?Dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 15:30
Basilicata and water, history, culture and innovation from Pythagoras to projects for a sustainable future
Pietro Laureano (Presenza)
Ipogea scpl

?Dalle ore 15:30 alle ore 15:45

Francesco Bandarin (Remoto)
già Direttore generale alla Cultura UNESCO

?Dalle ore 15:44 alle ore 15:54

Royal Commission for AlUla: vision, priorities, partnerships
Claudio Chitarro (Presenza)
Silvia Barbone (Presenza)
Partnerships Director Special Initiatives and Partnerships Kingdom of Saudi Arabia RCU AlUla Kingdom Saudi Arabia

?Dalle ore 15:55 alle ore 16:15

The heritage of the pond landscape in Southern Bohemia and Lower Austria. The system performance of a technical monument on ecology, resilience and culture Andreas Salvator Habsburg Lothringen (Remoto)
Austria, President of ITKI Austra
Christian Hanus (Remoto) Donau-Universität Krems, Austria

?Dalle ore 16:15 alle ore 16:25

Rigenerazione di un paesaggio compromesso tramite il restauro dei bacini fluviali
Kathryn Moore (Remoto)
Director, West Midlands National Park Lab, Great Britain

?Dalle ore 16.25 alle ore16.35

Accelerate the sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries enhancing their world heritage
Zineb Cheir (Presenza)
COPAM France

?Dalle ore 16:40 alle ore 16:50
TUNISTORIC, an unprecedented private initiative to rehabilitate and regenerate the historical Medina of Tunis
Mehdi Sethom (Presenza)
Head of urban regeneration project Medina of Tunis

?Dalle ore 16:55 alle ore 17:05

Mértola, Future Lab, a living lab for agroecological transition, adaptation to climate change and combating desertification
Rosinda Pimenta (Remoto)
Manuel Marques (Remoto)
Mertola Portugal Urban development and heritage

?Dalle ore 17:10 alle ore 17:20

Ouided Bouchamaoui (Remoto)
Nobel Peace Prize 2015, Tunisia (remote)

?Dalle ore 17:25 alle ore 17:35

The Future?… is under your feet – The role of Traditional Knowledge as a Driver for Resilient and Sustainable Development
Giuseppe Biagini
International Traditional Knolowedge Institute, USA (presence)


?Dalle ore 17:40 alle ore 17:50

Hashim Suleiman Hussein (Presenza)
Head United Nations Industrial Development Organization ITPO- Bahrain

?Dalle ore 17:50 alle ore 18:00

Giovanni Roncucci (Presenza)
Chairman of Roncucci&Partners Srl
Gabriella Megale (Presenza)
Amministratore Sviluppo Basilicata
Economic, social and cultural enhancement of companies in Basilicata Region from an international perspective: Progetto Inchubatori a pilot project by Sviluppo Basilicata
Vincenzo Acito (Presenza)
Assessore Ambiente Energia Regione Basilicata
Step up the future: the impact of innovation for a sustainable and attractiveness Basilicata 


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